给 & 走向绿色和绿色销售
什么是给予 & 走向绿色和绿色销售?
给予与环保 和 绿色销售 are an annual series of events held by the Office of Campus 可持续性 & 气候行动 during the Spring move-out and Fall move-in. They are designed in tandem to maximize reuse while reducing waste as part of our 循环校园计划. Both events are made possible with the support of our great team of student Eco-Reps, 或者社区捐赠伙伴, 以及来自 CollegeBoxes 存储和 IPG 从摇篮到摇篮的包装用品.
绿色环保行动(GGG) occurs at the end of the semester during finals. As students are packing up to move off campus, they are able to donate gently used items that they might get thrown out otherwise. The donations are either donated to local charities such as local mutual aid groups, Gradbag, and Goodwill or stored through our partnership with CollegeBoxes over the summer for resale at the 绿色销售. They are also offering Barnard students 10% off summer storage using the code 十大电竞游戏综合排名.
日期: 5月6日至16日
位置: Milstein LL018 or at four dorm satellite collections: Plimpton, 121, CG, 110.
次请看我们的Instagram @barnard_sustainability for the most up-to-date information. Donations will only be accepted during open hours.
**Please DO NOT leave items at collection points outside of collection hours, this puts a significant strain on our custodial staff who is very busy getting ready for graduation and summer move-in!
- 教科书
- 床上用品及亚麻制品
- 学校/办公用品
- 〇迷你冰箱 除霜,干燥,清洁
- 厨房用具的干燥和清洁
- 灯/照明
- 球迷
- 储物箱
- 宿舍装饰
- 晾衣架,熨斗,蒸汽机
- Hangers, closet organizers, shoe racks
- 服装、鞋子、配饰
- 未开封的、不易腐烂的食品
- 未开封的个人护理产品
- 清洁用品
- 泡沫床垫垫
- 电子垃圾
- Smart Devices (phones, computers, tablets, etc.) - Please unlock, return to factory settings, and remove all Apple ID’s from Apple products
- 打印机墨盒
- 电池
- 纺织品
The items that are selected to be stored over the summer are brought back to campus prior to New Student Orientation where they will be sold to first-year and transfer students for a small fee. There is a primary sale on the first day of NSOP as well as four subsequent sales throughout the week for both students and staff/faculty. 保持完美, 但使用, items on campus not only reduces our environmental footprint but increases access and affordability to quality dorm supplies to our students. Our Eco-Reps, sort and clean the returning items as well as design and run the sale.
访问十大电竞游戏综合排名 partners with Gradbag to bring back to campus cleaned dorm kits for free distribution to their students. Kits often include comforters, sheets, towels, laundry bags, hangers, and shower caddies. 访问十大电竞游戏综合排名 students also have access to the 绿色销售 Pre-Sale where they have first access to the sale items at an even greater discount.
2023给予的成就 & 走向绿色和绿色销售
GGG 和 GS have been extremely successful at diverting waste from landfills and engaging students across campus.
- 24,807 pounds of student “waste” has been diverted from landfills, 9,382 pounds of stuff being resold at the 绿色销售
- An estimated $67,400 of goods were sold at a 76% discount for students
- 250 FLI students from around NYC were given free cleaned and repackaged dorm supplies during Gradbag’s distribution event held on campus.
- 1,500 students attended the 绿色销售
GGG 和 GS are hosted by the Office of 可持续性 & 气候行动, but the event could not take place without the help of many partners across campus. During GGG/GS, Barnard 可持续性 partners with…
- 访问十大电竞游戏综合排名
- 十大电竞游戏综合排名餐厅
- 世界十大电子游戏平台管理
- 设施及保管服务
- 在乎
- 多元化,平等办公室, & 包容
- 住宅生活 & 住房
- 学生的经验 & 订婚